Cafe Flintstone presents


Welcome. Take a seat. Order a coffee or tea and maybe a cake to go with it. Enjoy the good music with us and maybe a good chat.We Flintstones love barding and enjoy jam sessions, which are often so typical on the streets of limsa.
That's how the "Open Stage" concept came about. It means that everyone is welcome to play on stage.
Please write directly a whisper ingame to the Cafe-Team or sign in on discord #open-stage, so that we can coordinate with each other.
The Flintstones are happy to help with any language difficulties.
We look forward to seeing you!

The Flintstones

Playing good old Rock with them is always a pleasure for us.

Where to find us:

You can find us in Limsa's residential area
MIST - Ward 22 Plot 45 Odin-Light


We try to fulfil special requests as best we can, as long as we have the ingredients or the goods.


The Flintstones are an old-established family from Limsa. It was a very long time ago, around the Stone Age, that the Flintstones lived in the Rocks on which present-day Limsa is built. Now they run a music cafe and how could it be otherwise, in Limsa's residential area MIST - Ward 22 Plot 45, Odin-light.A warm family invites you for coffee, cake and of course lots of cookies.Music plays an important role for them and so they like to play for their guests, whether as a duo or as an octet. But the Flintstones also invite others to perform. Be it as a single performer or as a band.Everyone is welcome!

Want more?

Visit us on discord to get more information about us, like pictures from events or our staff.